
your mum

yesterday I made the classic mistake of chatting to a friend when I saw her as I walked into the cinema... she was sat with someone, and ready to be charming, friendly and nice - I asked if it was her mother. it was not. error.

I also got mistaken for a (female) prostitute on monday. by the police, no less.

what a fun week. those are my two anecdotes ever though, so if you see me - don't expect conversation.



drunk on mys***e

last night I stayed at home and got drunk with my 162 gazillion myspace friends and tom. it was hillarious, we even took photos of ourselves in the mirror, it was crazy! then jimmy, aged twelve from slough told us about this blog he once wrote about google, and it was so funny. we were lol and rofl all night. it was fun.

oh, and you'll never guess what, jenny blogged about moonbeam who had read this post in darkhorse803's comments that said that lilmissinterweb666 accepted and add from beckaizfit and chavsrchav in the same night! El-oh-el - noob!


saddam - should he be hung?

today saddam hussein was sentenced to death by hanging for the killing of 148 people in dujail in 1982. a spokesman from the whitehouse said "it's a good day for the iraqi people".

do you agree? I think I disagree, because currently I'm opposed to the death penalty. although it wouldn't take much to sway me, I shouldn't think.

...so who'll take islamic law first; the uk or usa?

channel 4 news

last night on channel 4 news, there was a report on climate change, which ended with the following:
"...but most agree that the guy fawkes contribution to the global warming situation was negligible."
it then cut back to krishnan guru-murthy who half mumbled:
"of course it was, he didn't blow up parliament."


whiplash m. wafer

today I received an email from a "whiplash m. wafer". just thought I ought to mention it incase he/she stops sending spam and becomes famous.


fear + driving

there's nothing to fear except fear itself. and hippies

being able to drive and not having a car is like having clothes but being unable to wear them. except less awkward when you meet new people

bigger ball

yes, I'm going to have a winter ball - hopefully. I've half got someone to teach ballroom, now all I need is venue and date suggestions. and an idea as to what day to have it on. ha.

but seriously.