
like a grape... touched for the very first time

the quran is beautifully written, but often obscure. one reason is that the arabic language was born as a written language with the quran, and there’s growing evidence that many of the words were syriac or aramaic.

For example, the quran says martyrs going to heaven will get “hur,” and the word was taken by early commentators to mean “virgins,” hence those 72 consorts. but in aramaic, hur meant “white” and was commonly used to mean “white grapes.”

how gutted would you be (if you were a suicide bomber)?! and when would you eat the grapes? maybe ration yourself to one every thousand years, but then there's still the rest of eternity where you're grapeless! it's paradise, so they'd have to be seedless grapes, but then you couldn't use them to grow more grapes, aargh! catch 72! if virgins, why so many, and if grapes, why so few? maybe I should give up on mohammed, he's rubbish.

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