
spam spam spam

every time I check my email I'm given recipes containing spam. good ol' google.

...according to wikipedia...
the term spam is derived from the monty python spam* sketch, set in a cafe where everything on the menu includes spam luncheon meat. as the server recites the spam-filled menu, presently a chorus of viking patrons drowns out all normal conversation with a song, repeating "spam, spam, spam, spam" and singing "lovely spam, wonderful spam" over and over again, stopping all conversation, hence spamming the dialogue. the excessive amount of spam in the sketch comes from british rationing in world war 2. spam was one of the few foods that was not restricted and widely available, so by the time of the sketch, the british were fed up with the luncheon meat. another similarity is that everything on the menu comes with spam, therefore representing that you can't order something without receiving something you don't want, much like one can't be active on the internet and never have spam sent to your e-mail address(es).

*spam stands for specially processed american meat

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