
war, what is it good for?

I am at war. not with social injustice, poverty, unfair regime, unjust governing bodies, pokemon, or anything like that (to the extent to which I should be). except perhaps the pokemon one.

but no! I am at war with a fellow library-user! I have a sneaky, sneaky sneaky feeling that we're both after the same book. when I first reserved it, he *had it checked out. I then got it in a couple of weeks' time, and started reading it. when the time came to renew it, the dastardly villain had reserved it himself*!

after much deliberation, I decided the only thing to do (because I obviously haven't finished reading it) is to re-renew it immediately after returning it. I'll have probably forgotten where I was and have to start again, but then again, so will he*.


that's it. don't you wish you had better things to do. if you don't, play the game I do where I imagine what this person looks like. I reckon they look like an evil version of me. with a monobrow, and maybe scars. we shall see, my nemesis...

*or she/herself - girls can read nowadays

(please read this)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phil Brown is back!!!!
and yes.....i may be the only person to read your blogs back....but they are fabby.
I love seeing what happens in your phil-like brain.
hmm...mite talk to you on m s of n now
mwah! xxxxx