
'easter', as they say...

...the discovery of the coptic text of a “gospel of judas” and the publication of the da vinci code might appeal to a sense of mystery but did [do] not match the challenges posed by the resurrection...

...the modern response to the proclamation ‘Christ is risen!’ is likely to be, ‘ah, but you would say that, wouldn’t you? now what’s the real agenda?’...

...yet the new testament “was written by people who by writing what they did made themselves less powerful, not more. they were walking out into an unmapped territory, away from the safe places of political and religious influence . . . it was written by people who were still trying to find a language that would catch up with a reality bigger than they had expected. whatever this is, it is not about cover-ups, not about the secret agenda of power.”...

...the world’s praying and suffering christians were the real testament to the truth of the resurrection ... there are places where conversion to christianity is literally a matter of putting your life on the line ... whatever the gospel means in circumstances like that, it isn’t a cover-up for the sake of the powerful...

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