
late night shoppings

after the platform meeting and subsequent trip to pub, we decided on a spur of the moment (nothing to do with alcohol) that we would go late night shopping at my pitiful rival, asda. it was possibly the worst shop (if you want to call it that) i have ever seen. however after a canter round, i ended up buying a sandwich and a drink for me and super 70's (tom selleck style) shades for gareth. for this i (indirectly) blame gareth for me setting off the alarm because idiots at checkouts forgot about security type things. i had to show them where it was. enough said.
all was well after this, as we settled back at phils place to finish watching 'lock stock' from last we were there.

thank you asda, you've ruined my life.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Kev - we need blogs today, tomorrow and saturday to make five in a week. Come on now.