
dream 9-10 May

last night I got really angry. angrier than I've probably ever been. in a dream. Gareth and I were putting crosses into the ground for graves at the African Village, and I was doing the manual work. Gareth was texting, or something... I asked if I was putting them out nice and orderly-ly, and he said yeah, that's fine. when I'd finished, he said I'd done it wrong, and we had to do it all over again. I was angry, but it was only a dream, not actual Gareth!

I also dreamed I was in Northgate school to do a lesson, so had my 'badge' on. I then eneded up sneaking about with a load of pupils, and climbing on the roof etc, where the skips were. suddenly, although it was during the day, I noticed the searchlight of a helicopter above me, so snuck back inside and climbed down. I made sure as I left to mention casually to the secretary that I'd seen a helicopter, and she made comment that some shifty bloke had been seen clambering about. I forced a surprised expression on my face and said 'oh, really?' as I left...

then I awoke

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