

two dreams I've had lately...

in the first, my pirate friend and I were in rival chinese gangs. we didn't choose to be, it just ended up that way, because we lived in different catchment areas, I guess... it became scary when the two gangs filed past each other on a high-up rope bridge at one stage, although I didn't get wounded. I was even more scared, when cooking a plate of spaghetti for myself, when I was forced by the gang leader/boss into being the chef for the whole gang. part of me wanted to throw my spaghetti in his face and yell "make your own spaghetti!", but I also wanted to live...

in the second (last night), I dreamt I was at a christian conference (or it could have been a church service). Either way, we were sat near the back on blue plastic school-style stacking chairs, and a friend of mine (I can't remember who, but if it was you and you remember being in my dream, do remind me) had invited her friend Britney Spears. I had an awesome chat with Britney Spears, explained how I'd been praying for her, and how I'd been really saddened to hear about the rough time she'd been going through at the moment. I think we really connected.

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