
competition time

here's the competition... dad bought these letters to name our boat:
i (x2)
p (x2)
f (x1)
l (x1)
any ideas? answers on a postcard to: blue peter, 2a crescent rd, ip1 2ex

the winner will recieve 12p, sent to me from "Sister Michaela", in terrible poverty in guatemala

also, do you remember those 'cool' kids who were always the ones to try "will you lend me 20p" on you..? one tried it to me today at felixstowe, so I shouted back "of course I don't have 20p! if I did, I'd have a zippy by now!" and walked off. the couple after me won zippy. *fuming*


Hollywood Hartwell said...


Chris Ryall said...


an alteration of piffle? meaning to talk or act in a trivial, inept, or ineffective way. Etymology: perhaps blend of piddle and trifle?

or pflilp?

an aberration of fillip, probably of imitative origin meaning to make a filliping motion

How did I do?