
dreams 6th April

last night's remembered dream:
there was a murder. we were all sat in a big hall, and 4 shots were fired. I saw the man who I presumed was the murdered with a colt 45 as the 4 shots were fired. for some reason, in the panic, no-one else realised it was him, so we had to go through the lengthy process of combing the building... starting with the row of seminar-aligned chairs at the back, one of us (I think it was me. or a woman) made our way to the front, section by section. well, I went 2 sections by two sections, but still... the floow was sectioned like a freshly mowed lawn, see. under the grand piano at the front left, I spotted a box of lego. that's it! I cried to the detectives - there's your evidence! It turned out, that in the box was a lego pirate ship, which - when you jumped onto it, came to life. but only to the person jumping onto it, not to everyone else watching. it was kind of like a video game, and the pirates on the ship were very violent. they threw me off the first time, but before I hit that water I was back in 'reality'. they also killed a lot of the people looking at the ship, presuming them to be villains, but actually, they accidentally killed a lot of innocent people. I remember thinking that the amount of blood I saw was not suitable for a child's computer game. the dream concluded as a group of people were discussing the ethics behind games in which reality was twisted. who could be blamed for the killing of all those innocent people? lego pirates? the person who jumped onto the lego pirate ship? surely not... maybe this was one of those areas in life where, in the words of sir Robert Winston, "our human curiosity should forever remain unsatisfied".

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